VTensor is an online visual editor for machine learning and neural
ALight Renderer Combo is a combination of various rendering technologies for research and study use.
A 3D scene editor developed using ImGUI.
C++, ImGUI, OpenGL, VulkanA realtime CPU rasterizer with programmable rendering pipeline for research and study use.
A physical based offline path tracing CPU renderer for research and study
A simple GPU path tracing renderer developed using CUDA for research and study
mRehab is a novel in-home rehabilitation system, using 3D printing
technologies, smart devices and machine learning algorithms to provide feedback in long-term
rehabilitation and advances the current standard of care
One of the first few solutions of Steam multiplayer networking for Unity Engine. It was developed entirely by me solely. It is a low-level networking framework to connect Unity Component System and Steam P2P network services. It is used by commercial games such us RUSSIA BATTLEGROUNDS, a battle royale game that supports up to 32 players at the same time.
A 3D sandbox video game developed entirely by me solely when I was 14 years old (2014). It was the first time I have completed a large-scale project, handling PR and do business alone. Develop this game is what led me to study further on Computer Graphics